
Mission Inhaler FS1 Roller Hockey Skate Senior


4757.09 DKK
5596.64 DKK *
- 15 %
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Senior 80 Flex
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Senior 80 Flex

The CCM Vizion Composite Stick Senior 80 Flex sets new standards in hockey with innovative tech...

2387.69 DKK
3134.25 DKK *
- 24 %
CCM Vision composite Stick Junior 50 Flex
CCM Vision composite Stick Junior 50 Flex

With its advanced technology and exceptional design, the Junior 50 Flex sets new standards in h...

1790.67 DKK
2164.10 DKK *
- 17 %
CCM Vision composite Stick Junior 40 Flex
CCM Vision composite Stick Junior 40 Flex

The CCM Vizion Composite Stick Junior 40 Flex is a top-tier hockey stick designed to meet the n...

1790.67 DKK
2164.10 DKK *
- 17 %
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Intermediate 55 Flex
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Intermediate 55 Flex

The CCM Vizion Composite Stick Intermediate 55 Flex sets new standards in hockey with innovativ...

2089.18 DKK
2611.87 DKK *
- 20 %
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Intermediate 65 Flex
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Intermediate 65 Flex

The CCM Vizion Composite Intermediate 65 Flex racket is the perfect choice for players looking ...

2089.18 DKK
2611.87 DKK *
- 20 %
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Senior 70 Flex
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Senior 70 Flex

With innovative technology and exceptional design, this stick sets new standards in hockey. The...

2051.87 DKK
3134.25 DKK *
- 35 %
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Senior 75 Flex
CCM Vizion icehockey stick Senior 75 Flex

With innovative technology and exceptional design, this stick sets new standards in hockey. The...

2238.43 DKK
3134.25 DKK *
- 29 %
Warrior Covert QR6 Composite Stick Senior 63" 85 Flex
Warrior Covert QR6 Composite Stick Senior 63" 85 Flex

The Warrior Covert QR6 Pro Composite Stick Senior 63" 85 Flex is a high-performance composite h...

1902.91 DKK
2536.57 DKK *
- 25 %
Hockeyshot AB16 Skills System
Hockeyshot AB16 Skills System

Hockeyshot AB16 Skills System er det ideelle traningsredskab til ishockeyspillere, der onsker a...

Pro Tip
Bedst sælgende
1492.16 DKK
2462.31 DKK *
- 39 %
Torlandskit CCM Hockey Player Set Junior
Torlandskit CCM Hockey Player Set Junior

Traningstekstilsat CCM Junior inkluderer en bred vifte af sportstilbehor og toj. En vindende ko...

Ishockey SALG
Bedst sælgende
298.13 DKK
596.64 DKK *
- 50 %
Base Rage.2 Hockey Outdoor Wheels Set of 4 clear 83A
Base Rage.2 Hockey Outdoor Wheels Set of 4 clear 83A

Tilgangelig hardhed: 83A- meget velegnet til harde betongulve- lidt slid pa grund af hardt ...

152.69 DKK
186.19 DKK *
- 18 %
Labeda Addiction "XXX" Hjul Indendors 4 stk
Labeda Addiction "XXX" Hjul Indendors 4 stk

Hjulprofil: Konisk, greb + 78ASpids, ydeevne profil for hastighed og smidighed.Konstruktion...

Pro Tip
596.64 DKK
745.90 DKK *
- 20 %
CCM Ribcor Trigger 9 Pro Ishockeystav begranset oplag 55 Fle
CCM Ribcor Trigger 9 Pro Ishockeystav begranset oplag 55 Fle

Maksimal pracision og imponerende ydeevne med den eksklusive CCM Ribcor Trigger 9 Pro Ishockeys...

1753.36 DKK
2536.57 DKK *
- 31 %
Hockeyshot Extreme Passer Clamp-On 76 cm
Hockeyshot Extreme Passer Clamp-On 76 cm

Hockeyshot Extreme Passer Clamp-On 76 cm er det perfekte traningsredskab til specifikt at forbe...

1044.48 DKK
1305.60 DKK *
- 20 %
Hockeyshot Sauce Phenom rejsepakke - enkelt
Hockeyshot Sauce Phenom rejsepakke - enkelt

Hockeyshot Sauce Phenom Travel Bundle - single er den perfekte losning til hockeyspillere, der ...

551.49 DKK
745.90 DKK *
- 26 %
Hockeyshot Sauce Phenom rejsepakke - dobbelt
Hockeyshot Sauce Phenom rejsepakke - dobbelt

Hockeyshot Sauce Phenom Travel Bundle - dobbelt er det ideelle sat til alle, der onsker at forb...

1119.03 DKK
1417.54 DKK *
- 21 %
Winnwell mini hockey goal set 31" 81x54x30cm
Winnwell mini hockey goal set 31" 81x54x30cm


372.76 DKK
447.69 DKK *
- 17 %
Winnwell Ishockeyma 54" 137x112x50cm
Winnwell Ishockeyma 54" 137x112x50cm


522.01 DKK
634.25 DKK *
- 18 %
Winnwell hockeymal HD Proform 72" 183x122x76cm
Winnwell hockeymal HD Proform 72" 183x122x76cm

Winnwell HD Proform 72 hockeymal maler 183 x 122 x 76 cm og svarer til den standardiserede stor...

1939.93 DKK
2462.61 DKK *
- 21 %
Winnwell Ishockeyma HD Proform 36" 91x60x30cm
Winnwell Ishockeyma HD Proform 36" 91x60x30cm

[b] Winnwell Hockey Goal HD Proform 36"[/b] er det perfekte valg for alle, der er pa udkig efte...

559.33 DKK
671.57 DKK *
- 17 %
Kuponkupon Hockeyoffice - individuelt belob
Kuponkupon Hockeyoffice - individuelt belob

Ved du ikke hvad du skal give? Vil du gore en ven til en rigtig passende gave?Giv et kupon ...

Pro Tip
Ishockey SALG
Bedst sælgende
Vores tip
7.46 DKK
Winnwell Basic Stickhandling traningsvarktoj
Winnwell Basic Stickhandling traningsvarktoj

Winnwell Basic Stickhandling Training Tool er et alsidigt traningsredskab, der er specielt desi...

Vores tip
372.76 DKK
559.63 DKK *
- 33 %
Winnwell Premium Stickhandling Traningsvarktoj
Winnwell Premium Stickhandling Traningsvarktoj

Forbedr din stickhandling med Winnwell Premium Stickhandling Training Tool, et kraftfuldt og al...

Vores tip
671.27 DKK
858.13 DKK *
- 22 %
Winnwell Pro Defender Stickhandling hjalp
Winnwell Pro Defender Stickhandling hjalp

Tag din ishockeytraning til det naste niveau med Winnwell Pro Defender Stickhandling Training T...

Vores tip
969.78 DKK
1231.27 DKK *
- 21 %
« 1 · 2 »
Rabat 1
600 €2%
1000 €4%
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